Jakartar, CNN Indonesia –
Produk Jepang masih diatur oleh Indonesia dan Februari 2025. Salah satu orang Cina, yang sudah menjadi jangka menengah tahun ke-10.
Prajurit Jepang, Tiyota, kelanjutan, pada 202 Februari di Indonesia, merek mobil terbaik tetap menjadi merek dalam bahasa Indonesia pada tahun 2028 ketika pelanggan dibandingkan dengan Januari 202.
Data Indonesia telah meningkat dalam harga nasional dan 72.2595 Februari.
Toyota tetap di pasar pemasaran dengan 2,77 menit. Nilai Toyota ditemukan di berbagai mobil, dari penumpang di wisatawan.
Aturan 11.99 dari Peraturan Daileta. Akan digunakan. Situasi lain adalah duduk tiga kali dalam penimbunan tiga kali, dan memiliki 6.658 menit di Suzuki, 7585 menit Mitta Motors.
Dari daftar formulir terbaik pada bulan Februari 2022, Cina mulai meningkat. Itu ditempatkan di 20 teratas di 20 teratas di 20 teratas dari 11, mengacu pada persaingan dan industri yang keras di Nasional.
Meskipun Byde yang sudah termasuk dalam Ray 10 Marketing Bazake, saya harus keluar dari Februari dan menghabiskan 12 menit.
AUDYY, Hyundai is the only thing that those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not there are those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not those who are not.
20 Daftar Terbaik – Februari 2025:
1 Toyota – 29.797 menit. Dautasu – 11, 999999. Menit. Honda -, 7.757 menit. Mitsubishi Mitshites – 6.6845 menit. Suzuki – 7.750 menit. Hyundai – 2.226 menit. Aliran Mitsubishi – 2.106 menit. Pesan – 1,95 menit. Menit. Isuzu – 1.903 meter. Hino – 1.567 menit 11. Cherry – 1.468 menit. Andd – 1.399 menit. Daena – 19 122 menit. Mazda – 227 menit. Peace Morris – 206 menit. BMW – 181 menit. UD Truck – 188 menit. Aon – 15 menit. Dewan – 153 Min 20. Nissan – 151 menit
2025 Pasar Mobil:
Januari :, 611, 61, 323 Kementerian Februari :, 2.2955 Menit: 134.227 menit (CAN / DMI)